A good fruit requires
a great seed

Cherry & Specialities Tomato Seeds

An extensive collection of different types, sizes and shapes


Indeterminate cherry hybrid.
Healthy vigorous plant with good performance, short internodes and excellent fruit setting.
Determined cluster, uniform with concentrated maturity. Beautiful and thick fishbone.
Bright red color fruits average weight 30-35 g, excellent firmness.

HR: ToMV: 0-2, V, F 1,2


TC 1050

Round cherry tomato variety, ripening to red, for loose harvest. Medium-high vigor plant, recommended for fall transplants in southeast Spain, from the second half of August to mid September for long growing cycles and for spring. Very versatile plant that adapts to different geographic areas and growing systems. Large flowers are very attractive to auxiliary fauna.
Long, well-ordered vines, multi-bearing in most cases, have very good setting and high productive yield. Smooth fruit measures about 30mm in diameter, on average, not becoming oversized; round in shape, good pistilar closing, high sugar content. Excellent shelf life.

HR: F 0,1,2, ToMV: 0-2


TC 1057

Cherry tomato variety, ripening to red, for loose harvest.

Medium vigor plant, recommended for fall and spring transplants in protected crops. Vines open in a palm shape, with a large setting capacity and low incidence of aborted fruit.

Fruit sizes are between 25-28mm, perfectly round, pistilar close is almost imperceptible. Ripening is uniform, with a final bright color.

Noted for its excellent flavor, high sugar content, high ºbrix when ripe and excellent commercial quality.

HR: ToMV : 0-2


TC 1072

Cherry tomato for harvesting on the vine. Medium vigor plant, open habit and medium internodes, with good productive capacity and possibilities for a long growing cycle. Especially recommended for greenhouse transplants from mid August to mid September and in spring. Very well formed clusters, with 10-12 fruits, very fleshy and fresh-looking, with very good rachis, making it possible to cut them on the vine. Round, bright red fruit, with very good flavor and high sugar content. Fruit size is about 30mm in diameter. Noted for its shelf life.

HR: ToMV: 0-2


Tomato variety of the “Green Italian” type, with a very marked, attractive green neck. Good vigor plant, healthy, with good foliage cover and adapted to different growing seasons in fall and spring, producing high yield. M-G sized round fruit, slightly flattened and very uniform, with excellent response to heat stress conditions and no cracking. Very flavorful fruit with crunchy texture and high Brix.

HR: ToMV: 0-2, V, Fol: 0,1

TX 2008

Indeterminate hybrid type with darkened green fruits having vigorous open and healthy dark foliage covering different periods of ripening, well adapted to the winter and spring.
Fruits with globular shoulder in spherical shape, usually small 60-80 Gr, with green colour uniform and fleshy turgid sepals.
Excellent ability to attach even under conditions of thermal stress, NO CRACKING.
Excellent taste and brix quality.

HR: ToMV: 0-2

TX 1966

Variety suitable for fall and spring transplants in protected crops, for short growing cycles and loose harvest.
Medium vigor plant, very balanced, with high productive yield.
Clusters of 3-4 fruit, mainly G size, weighing approximately 180-200. Very well formed, fleshy sepal, very good pistilar closing, and easy to harvest.
This variety is noted for its attractive pink color, its high yield and especially for its shelf life.

HR: ToMV: 0-2

TX 2015

Variety suitable for fall and spring transplants in protected crops, for short growing cycles.
Medium-high vigor plant, open with good air flow, easy blossoming and setting.
Deep pink colored fruit, and uniform ripening.
Clusters with 4-5 fruits mostly in the GG size. Round shape, slightly ribbed and somewhat tall. Good pistilar close and very fleshy sepal.
This variety is noted for its attractive pink color, its high yield and its flavor.

HR: ToMV: 0-2

TX 2021

“Special” tomato variety of the traditional Valencian type, a result of the TRADITOM project.
Medium vigor plant that makes large clusters and is highly productive.
Characterized as a very aromatic tomato, with a meaty, juicy texture, ideal for eating fresh.
Competitive advantage: unlike traditional varieties, this new variety offers greater plant vigor and therefore higher yields, as well as resistance to TY, making it a more viable crop, without altering flavor, color or aroma.

HR: ToMV: 0-2.


High Resistance. Plant varieties that highly restrict the growth and development of the specified pest or pathogen under normal pest or pathogen pressure when compared to susceptible varieties. These plant varieties may, however, exhibit some symptoms or damage under heavy pest or pathogen pressure.
Intermediate Resistance. Plant varieties that restrict the growth and development of the specified pest or pathogen, but may exhibit a greater range of symptoms or damage compared to high resistant varieties. Intermediately resistant plant varieties will still show less severe symptoms or damage than susceptible plant varieties when grown under similar environmental conditions and/or pest or pathogen pressure.
Bremia lactucae
Physiological races Bl:1-15 of Bremia lactucae (downy mildew) in lettuce are agronomical no longer relevant in Europe, as to the best of our knowledge these races are no longer observed in practice in Europe nowadays. Therefore reference to the races Bl:1-15 is no longer made in resistance claims with regard to B. lactucae. From May 1st 2014 onwards, the resistance claim of a variety refers only to Bl:16-31.
P.s.: Although race Bl:19 is to the best of our knowledge also no longer observed in practice nowadays, reference to the race Bl:19 will continue to be made in resistance claims with regard to B. lactucae to simplify the notation of the resistance claim. In practice this means that for example Bl:16-31 should be understood as Bl:16-18,20-31.
Bacterial Leaf Spot
Cucumber vein yellowing virus
Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici
Melon necrotic spot virus
Pyrenochaeta lycopersici
Potato Y virus
Px (ex Sf)
Podosphaera xanthii (ex Sphaerotheca fuliginea)
Tomato mosaic virus
Tomato spotted wilt virus
Verticillium albo-atrum

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